Welcome to #JusticeforSam

At #JusticeforSam our goal is to honor Sam in his passing. He just wanted to be loved and treated the same as everyone else. Sam didn't judge anyone for who they were! He was kind, caring and very loving. His personality was like no other. It is time as a community to show our support to get Justice for Sam. For everyone to know that he will not go unnoticed or unwanted! Feel free to write a comment about Sam for all to see!

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Eli C
3 days ago

Sam, I never met you but I am a brother, within the same community as you. We will continue to fight for you, as well as your family for justice. We will get justice for Sam!

Princess Sullivan
10 days ago

I am praying 🙏 that there is #JusticeForSam
Sam is a friend of a friend. Sam didn't deserve anything that was done to him. Those evil monsters that took Sam away from his family and friends deserve to be sentenced for life. Never to have a chance to hurt another.
Sam will not be forgotten and he has an army fighting for him.

Brittany Miller
10 days ago

I met Sam at work, he was kind, funny and just wanted to be loved. We talked for 2 months and I ended up quiting that job. But in that little time he showed me new things and helped make it feel OK to be me and be open. We attended a super fun gay pride parade and also went and had fun at the zoo with my kids. When working we always had our clients meet up and enjoy dinner together and they loved seeing sam as well. Sam is going to be missed deeply! You are loved Sam by so many!! ❤️

Janina Guido
11 days ago

Sam was too pure for this cruel world , it’s hard enough for anyone to want and feel loved as any human being would , but LGBT community gets knocked no matter what , we still humans we all bleed the same , our sexual preference shouldn’t matter . LONG LIVE SAM , much love brudda .. WE ALL STAND BEHIND U IN UR NAME . #JUSTICE FOR SAM#SAYHISNAMELOUD!!!! #JusticeWill Be served

Tami Pollock
16 days ago

Justice for Sam! What happened to Sam is heartbreaking 💔 and inhuman I hope everyone that. Was involved get what they deserved! Sending prayers to his family and friends R.I.P Sam ❤️

Brittnee wood
17 days ago

This is so incredibly sad. I can’t believe this happened! I’m so sorry for the loss for the family and friends. Much love to all! This story hits home!

Crystal shoemaker
18 days ago

Justice4sam I am so sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers our with the family

Tanya Smith
18 days ago

#justiceforsam I am so sorry the system failed you. You won’t be forgotten, and we won’t ever stop fighting for you. You deserved better.

Angelica Read
18 days ago

Your fight is our fight. I'll continue to demand justice for you. May justice prevail. Sam you legacy will forever live on. For your story will never go unheard will will continue to tell your story forever. Rest easy you sweet soul.

Edward Spraguson
19 days ago

Sam will always be remembered and loved by so many people!❤️💕